07 January 2010

Adeline Got Baptized!! (and more fun!)

January 2, 2010
Adeline Kayde Walker
Why is it that my baby got baptized and I feel like she is so little?
I remember when Chelsea got baptized I felt like she was so old..

It's the fam..

The Walker side..
Dad, Adi, Mom, Savannah, Chelsea, Hailey, Julie, Nick, Brian, Grandma Rosemary, Grandpa Glade

The Brown side..
Meredith, Samson, Dad, Adi, Mom, Savannah, Chelsea,
Grandma Marilyn, Grandpa Mark
(minus Dave & Beatrice)

Participants in the circle
Uncle Brian, Grandpa Glade, Dad, Adeline, Grandpa Mark,
& Todd Oakey
(minus Bishop Moss, who had another engagement to hurry off to..)

Post-baptism socializing..

(lets just call this ^^ the "fun" corner..)

A shot of Chelsea & her very-soon-to-be-missionary, Todd..

Time for BRUNCH!

Then, Christmas with the Browns!
Adi, and her latest addition to her "hinged box" collection..

Chelsea with her latest snowman..


Mom made me a quilt out of some of my old t-shirts..
mostly dreaded drill team shirts..
(Julie will appreciate these)

What a great day!!
I'm so very proud of Adi and her decision to be baptized..
So glad to have both of our families in attendance..
Julie, as usual, gave a fantastic talk, but I must say, pulled out all of the stops with this one!!
Thank you, thank you, so much!!

plus, Dave & I went to a movie, AND I got all of my Christmas put away!! Busy, GREAT day!!


chelseakate said...

I LOVE my very-soon-to-be missionary, Todd.

Silvey Mothership said...

I also think Adeline looks so small. Nice pictures and what and treasured quilt to have!Congrats to you and Adi!

Julie M said...

What an awesome quilt...that is too funny with all the old drill team shirts!!! Thanks for letting me be part of Adi's baptism day...it was a very neat day and I also can't believe our little Adi is 8!!!!!!

Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

Okay I was totally cracking up over the "fun corner". Like out loud. Haha! Love the quilt. I need to take a closer look. What a great day!