15 May 2011

An Epic Tale..

To begin this exciting {teehee} story,
I must begin with some important information..

In our living room we have french doors
that are.. I guess.. magnetized..
From inside the room they need to be kind of "hit"
so they will pop open..
We leave these closed to keep puppies in their
2 allowed rooms..

Only 11 days ago I was telling my friend Angie
that it had been at least 5 years since Adi had thrown up..

Fast forward to last night..

Adi had been playing in the basement
when she ran up 2 floors to her bathroom
and.. well.. threw up..

She came down and told me,
and then proceeded to be her usual happy, full of energy self..

I kind of chalked it up to one of those weird,
"just needed to randomly throw up" times..

Within a couple of minutes she did it again..

But, again, returned acting perfectly normal..
{dancing, playing on the Wii, talking a mile-a-minute}

After a while, she decided she was hungry,
so being cautious I fed her some toast and saltines and a drink..

She was being careful, but seemed just fine..

Then about 20 minutes later,
she popped up and tried to open the french doors..
{she sometimes has a hard time getting these open}

No one was really paying attention,
but at hit #3 she couldn't hold it in any longer and,
well, vomited on the carpet..

Chelsea was very close
and stood up quickly,
helped her with the door
and began rushing her to the bathroom
{probably about 10 steps away}

Adi wasn't done
and heaved right outside the bathroom door..

{don't worry, she even finds this story funny}

Well, these 2 girls were in a modified run,
and from my end I hear a splat,
and falling..

BOTH girls slipped and fell in this one -
AND slid into the wall..

She still wasn't done,
and finally made it to the toilet..

Now, my friends, lets talk about a mess..

Lots on the carpet..

The entryway to the bathroom?
On the walls, {about 2-3 feet up}
ALL over the floor..

and all over the floor in the bathroom..


I could be irritated,
but I have a hard time being irritated when my baby is so sick..

And when she threw up about 15 minutes later,
wiped her mouth and said
"I don't like throwing up.."

How can you be irritated?
Not like she was trying..


Well.. it was funny..

All 5 of us couldn't quit laughing about it...

The whole hallway episode just sounded so funny..

I love that we all have the same strange sense of humor that made it so we just couldn't quit laughing about it.. even those who stepped & slid & fell in it.. {and even got a little scraped up!}

So ya..

We had a fun night..

In spite of the adventure..

I am still needing to clean up the carpet better..


did I mention that the "beverage" was fruit punch??



chelseakate said...

bahahahaha....best throw up story, ever.

and i've got this nice scratch on my bum to remind me of just how epic it was :]

Elder Jack Anderson said...

My word verification is "RANZOOP!" Could that be more perfect for this story?

Disgusting. Later on, at some party or other function, when these girls have to say something about themselves that no one else knows ... they can say they have slipped and fallen in barf. That is priceless.

Silvey Mothership said...

Oh no! Glad everyone can laugh about it. Scotty had an episode with chili from his bed to the nearest bathroom. I was about 4 yrs ago and when I wash the walls I still think about that. What a mess! Rates right up there with fruit punch.