21 June 2009

This Week...

As many of you DON'T know, Mr. Davy had surgery this week..
He had tumor under his jaw on his right side.
Big enough that you could see it..

Wednesday he went in to get the thing removed..
Before his surgery they had him go in and put on his gown, 
and also to mark (with a "YES") where the surgery should take place..
{is that a little creepy to anyone else?? }

I imagine this..
"Here's a sedated man.. Hmmm where should we cut him open?..
HOLD IT!! Right here on his neck!!"

I wanted to take a picture of his "YES" but he was feeling freaked out and wouldn't let me.. It was hilarious.. He'd done it in the mirror, so it was backwards, and also, Davy is not known for his beautiful handwriting.. so he wrote it backwards, and.. well.. it actually looked like a 2 year old had got too close to him with a pen..

After his surgery (supposed to be 45-75 minutes.. took 3 hours!) (his "golf ball" sized tumor turned out to be "baseball sized") he was really antsy coming out of anesthesia.. He was very wiggly and kept pulling off his blankets and gown.. Not easy to keep him clothed!! Plus - he had a drainage tube coming out of his neck, and I was worried about him tugging on that..

After coming to and being relieved the surgery was over with he was ALL for having his picture taken.. 
::dang.. I wish I would have pushed harder for the neck-writing.. never mind, I pushed pretty hard..::

[WARNING - if you're freaked out by tubes sticking out of necks, skip the 2nd and 3rd photos]

Moved to his "overnight" room.. Yes, he had to be kept overnight.. 
To a recliner..
He thought it was heavenly..
THE TUBE.. not as bad as I thought it would be..
and his incision.. its almost 2 inches long..
He told me he felt a little like Angelina Jolie..
{then, of course, I had to make fun of him and say, wouldn't it be more manly to say he felt like Billy Bob Thornton? And wasn't it the other person's blood? Not their own?.. Really, we laughed pretty hard about this!!}
He said, "take a picture of me eating"
so I did :)
I spent A LOT of time there at the surgery center.. 6am to 9pm..
I did take a short lunch break at 1.. And then had to be there to pick him up at 6 am the next morning..

He seems to be doing all right.. 
but laying in bed makes for a boring Father's Day..
He got a ping-pong table, 
though he won't feel like using it for quite a while..
{actually sounds EXACTLY like how I spent Mother's Day.. 
its a trend!!}

He is hoping to be able to go to work tomorrow.. We'll see.. But I may have to drive him, though he's trying to wean himself off his Lortab..

So - Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Husband!!

Also this week..
I painted my living room.. 
Its hard to tell the differences, but I loaded the pictures so here we go..

a peachy-cream color
not at all exciting against those chair rails..
3 of the walls are now "Mochachino"
a brownish green
And one wall is Twig Basket
(a shade darker on the card)
Really loving them!!
Even have the room put back together!!
(that is huge for me!!)


Elder Jack Anderson said...

Oh my gosh.... first of all, loved all your East Coast Fantasy Trip pics. I read every word and loved every picture! What a fun family vaycay!

Second of all...holy tumor! Loved all your jokes regarding the YES and Billy Bob Thornton. You kill me!

Tell Davy we wish him well and all of those pics were way more flattering than his wisdom teeth one where he looked like Sadaam's son!

Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

I was kindof frecked out too when they wrote on my leg to see where to cut into my leg. With a permament marker. Oops spelled wrong. Glad to know that he is feeling better. See you tomorrow. Like the wall colors. Big pat on the back for rehanging. :)

Silvey Mothership said...

Wow, very intense- hope the tumor was benign. It looks like Sam's thyroid scar but up higher. Glad he's recovering well. Hugs to you for the paint and replacement of furniture and wall decor! Let's get together- I'm missing out!

Curt, Lace and Harper said...

I had no idea he even had that. I am glad to hear he is doing good. The "Yes" story is so funny.

Those are the exact same colors my mom has painted in her house. They look really good together

Bonnie B. said...

So much fun for Father's Day! I think it's hilarious about him wanting you to take all those after the surgery. photos. Maybe what they took out is his "anti-photog" bump. hehehe.
And, they always mark the surgery site if there is a left or right side option. Which is better than having the wrong side cut open, I guess.

Casseron said...

So this photos of the drainage tube and the stitches are pretty sweet! But, then again I like stuff like that! And When I had both of my knees operated on I had to write yes on both of them. I also thought it was weird, and after the surgery you could still see where I wrote yes on my knees and I still laugh about it!

Denisha Oldroyd said...

I hope your husband is doing better! As for Julie moving to seattle, it's all up in the air still! We are hoping that they dont move up there, but no one knows yet! Cross your fingers with us!

Jill said...

I'm glad everything went okay with Dave! You guys have had quite the year . . .

I also approve of your color choices. Strong work!

Hope you and all the fam are doing well.

Meredith said...

Oh Davey, I hope he is recovering well. He's a good little patient - seems like he gets a lot of practice being one!

You are inspiring me. I already have the paint bought to do my living room, it's just getting the motivation...

Unknown said...

Your pictures are a little bit yucky. My high school boyfriend's sister had knee surgery many years ago and they operated on the wrong knee, an example of why the patient now has to right "yes" on the body part they would like cut open. I wonder if they do that for boob jobs?! JK

marcikay said...

k.. i was loving cassidy's comment about loving my picutres..

but debbie.. YOU WIN!!

i'm still laughing!!

teriandbristol said...

Poor Dave. Yes that is kind of weird that you have to write yes... scary. I am glad he is okay. I like your walls. You are so creative.