31 August 2010

Davy's Little Pony..

Davy recently went on a 6-day business trip

to Colorado Springs, CO..

Savannah stealthily added a stowaway

to his suitcase..

Here are their adventures..

..my little buddy is totally hogging the good chair..

..now he's eating all my dinner!..

..I let him finish the bread..

..I made him go to bed but told him he can watch the end of Hannah Montana..

..I got back to my room and look who I caught getting into the candy jar..


Elder Jack Anderson said...

I'm not going to mention to Garret that Dave was a mere 45 minutes away, had room service with a miniature horse and didn't bother to call. He might cry himself to sleep! How dare he and where does he get off??

the Browns said...

dave, you are just the bestest dad!