22 February 2011

More Medical Adventures!

I really wasn't planning on this being a regular segment..

Last night Savannah was complaining
of a sharp pain on her lower right side..

..of course my first thought is appendix..

I tried not to make a big deal about it,
even when it was making her catch her breath
during scripture study..

{I had to add that^, so I could say
we haven't missed family scripture study
since January 2nd!! yay us!!}

When she woke up this morning
with the same complaint..

{and after reading on webMD to take her in
if it'd been more than 4 hours}

I took her to the ol' ER..

Let me tell ya..

When you have appendicitis symptoms
you get quick service!!

Within a few minutes
she was looking like this..



The works..

She had to take after her daddy though..

After urine tests,

blood tests,

an X-ray,

and an ultrasound..

they couldn't prove conclusively it was an appendicitis..

So, we were sent home

to watch for fever..

or nausea/vomiting..

{which would ensure an express ticket to the ER..}

So far..

So good..

{I guess?}

If you're at all squeamish..

you might want to skip this next photo..

After her ultrasound,

her IV got a little backed up..

she thought it was cool..

Let's take a break from "Medical Adventures"

okay family??


chelseakate said...

that last picture makes me sick every time i look at it. i'm trying to recover from dizziness right now. ew.

i'm glad she's better now though.

cute bizbannah.

Casseron said...

I just have to say that I love that the picture of her IV is really no big deal. I was expected a huge bubble where he blood was no longer flowing correctly and that is was going to be red and swollen and all that jazz that my teachers have all told me to look for when checking an IV site. I am glad Savannah is ok!