24 June 2010

Manti.. It Will Blow Your Mind

..but not how you think..
Last night,

the girlies and I headed south - for

The Mormon Miracle Pageant

{or, as we call it, the Manti Pageant}

I will admit..

I love this show..

I know it can be corny and outdated in parts..

But I have to say,

when it comes down to it..

This thing always reaffirms my testimony..

{I even get a little teary a couple times}

Interesting tidbits..

We picked a great night to go..

that^^ was taken right in front of our seats..

front row..

and we didn't pull in until 6:30

We didn't even have anyone sit next to us until about 9:15

{and it starts at 9:30}

We got to talking to a man in a wheelchair

who has worked the pageant for 11 years with his parents..

In fact,

his parents run the "lost & found"

{as in lost children}

He told us one year a little boy was brought to them

at 6:30 PM..

The parents didn't notice he was missing until they got home..

To Orem..


AND that when they picked him up

{at approximately 3:00 AM}

his mother's only question was

"did he get to see the pageant?"

They didn't even thank them..

The other story he told was similar..

The family noticed their son

{one of 7}

was missing when they got home to Salt Lake..

They proceeded to call the Manti Police Department

and asked if they

{the police}

could keep the 4 year old overnight..

The police said they would,

but they would be arrested..

So they grudgingly headed back to Manti to pick up their son..

This boggles my mind in sooooo many ways..

Where do I start??



Meredith said...

I guess when you have 6 other kids, having the seventh one gone for just one night is no big deal! Kind of like a mini vacation...

Bonnie B. said...

WHAT???? holy crap.