04 February 2010

I KNOW I'm Waaaaaay Behind on Blogging... Part 2

I guess you'd call it a moment of weakness..

But, on January 12, Savannah, Adi & I were heading to the mall..

When we got there, I said, "Savannah, let's get your ears pierced!!"

She was SHOCKED to say the least,
but of course, agreed..

Here she is, anticipating the poke..
She looks worried, huh??

She looked nervous and wrung her hands the whole time..

As she was getting them done,
I posed the same question to Adeline..

It took some thinking..

Especially when she saw the pink flowered earrings..

But she said no..

Until January 13!!

So, right after school, it was Adi's turn!!

She doesn't look quite as nervous..^^

(but she was..)

you can see it now^^

looking good, ladies!!


Meredith said...

What?!?! I am seriously shocked! Adi too?? What lucky girls...

Silvey Mothership said...

Didn't Chelsea have to wait or is 8 yrs the magic year? It was in our household but of course Hannah never chose to have it done.

chelseakate said...
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Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

I hate it when you remove things. I want to know what she said. You aren't as far behind as meeee!!!! HAHAHA! Cute pics.

chelseakate said...

Savannah Klaire looks freaking adorable in that picture!! Wowie! What a cutie patootie.

And Adi.. Looking darling as usual.