I was tagged by Melanie on this one - 7 random things about me..
*I love grey.. I can't ever imagine someone asking me my favorite color and responding "grey", but I really think it is.. Especially when it comes to clothes. For example, when I walk into a store and there are shirts in various colors, I gravitate to the grey.. And if there's a grey in both dark and light, I generally prefer the dark.. I've decided it goes back to when Davy and I bought our first NEW car (in 1991), a Toyota Corolla, and we had the choice between burgundy and a charcoal grey.. I, no surprise, chose the grey.. And I always loved the color.. Even now when I'm driving around I'll point out cars that same color.. (this GREY trait seems to be rubbing off on Chelsea, too)
*I think I have lazy OCD.. My house can get really out of hand, and I have a very hard time catching up because I can't just quickly clean up a room.. I get very hung up on every little detail.. Like, the time I was talking to Wendy and her mouth hung open as I told her how long it takes me to vacuum between the bricks on my fireplace.. Its hard to explain..
*I have a child with green/hazel eyes (Chelsea), one with brown eyes (Savannah), and one with blue eyes (Adeline).. (I once had a friend tell me it was genetically impossible for me to have a brown eyed child.. and then I would point at Savannah again..)
*Okay, this is gross.. but I can't handle talk about snot/boogers.. I can talk vomit and any other bodily function til the cows come home.. But mucus talk makes me gag..
*I am self conscious about how I smile.. My sister and I both (apparently) have huge gums and when we were younger and would grin and/or giggle, only our gums would show.. Our mother would yell "gummy smile" which was our cue to STOP it and show some teeth.. So I feel like I have a weird smile.. But Meredith (aforementioned sister) and I do take evil delight in doing the gummy smile together for my mom..
*I hate talking to strangers.. I'll hunt through a store endlessly before I'll ask an employee where something is (and if I can't find it, I'll leave empty handed) This also carries over to phone calls - I hate calling people I don't know.. so if I need to get my car fixed, or my air conditioner repaired, etc., I will put it off and try to live with whatever the problem is before I break down and make the call..
*I love to shop for fabric, especially for quilting, but that is where the love ends.. I really don't like to sew, even though I'm pretty good at it.. And I love my quilts so much when I'm finished, but hate the process once I get the fabric home.. (and really the only things I sew anymore are quilts and Halloween costumes)
*Birds flying over my head freak me out..
I tag Elissa, Wendy, Lacey, Melissa, and Bonnie (if you haven't already)
..and yes, I just realized that I can't count.. I did 8..