24 May 2009

Senior Pictures!

As many of you know, we all (except Adeline) suffer from a serious case of procrastination, so we hadn't got Chelsea's senior pictures done (and my circumstances didn't help this, obviously)..

So, last Saturday she and I ran around to do some photos of our own to get out in her graduation announcements. Luckily, after some trial and error, we found a great location - not in direct sunlight (a key!) - and got a few shots we were excited about!!

We ran and got them developed that same day - and they must have been okay, because they asked me for the copyright on them, and I had to explain & prove that I had taken them myself, and I even had to fill out paperwork to say I had taken them! We got some sent out Monday, and a second set sent out today (again, procrastinating looking for addresses) .. (and okay, I still have just a couple of addresses to locate..)

So.. here are a few of our favorites -

we sent out this one^

and this one^ (but it was also in sepia)


Bryan and Elissa Johnson said...

We loved our pictures. In fact the girls are fighting over it. Who gets it? Glad to see that you are feeling better. Love to you all. We will see you at graduation. Is your family coming down? Oh I will just text you later or tomorrow.

Silvey Mothership said...

They turned out so good! Congratulations to all of you. Future plans? By the way, where's my picture? Have a great graduation day and all that goes with it! I am off to IA on Sat to be with Lenna and new baby girl. I will be back on the 10th.

Silvey Mothership said...

Also, love your new family picture! Why are there pumpkins there in the spring?

Bonnie B. said...

she's so cute! good job!

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Those look completely professional! And, of course, it doesn't hurt that Chelsea is A.DOR.A.BLE and would look amazing anywhere.

You have a kid who is graduated from HIGH SCHOOL! Holy cow!